Top Tips: How To Choose Your Media Spokespeople

Why choosing the right media spokesperson is important?

If you have decided you want to raise the profile of your organisation in the media and you have formed some of your key messages, the next step is to select the individuals that should actually be interacting with the journalists.

Choosing the right spokesperson or spokespeople for the job can have a positive impact on your brand and business. They are the face of the organisation and therefore need to be competent when dealing with media interviews whether they are delivering positive news or managing a crisis. 

Choosing the wrong spokespeople could potentially be damaging to your brand, so it is vital that you really understand how to approach the selection process. 

The chances are you will need to have some or all of the senior management ready and able to speak to the media, but how should others be picked? 

Below are the most some of the most important things to bear in mind when selecting your organisation’s media spokespeople. 


6 Steps for Selecting Your Spokespeople:

1. Do they have the correct knowledge and ability?

 Make sure you assess potential staff for both their knowledge of the subject (or the division in which they work) AND their ability to perform.


2. Do they show passion and enthusiasm?

The more passionate and positive the spokesperson, the better they will come across. Remember that your organisation and ambassadors need to be giving a good impression to the journalist.


3. Do they have good background understanding?

Ideally, they will have good knowledge of the whole organisation/industry so if they are asked something on a wider subject they can still answer it. Or even if they don’t know a specific answer they should know where they can get it.


4. Don’t just look to the top

Depending on your organisation you may need one or many spokespeople but don’t think it is just a case of putting your CEO forward as they might not be the most appropriate person for the job. Journalists may tell you they have to speak to the person at the top but don’t be afraid to recommend someone else if you think they are more appropriate.


5. Are they available?

A spokesperson needs to be reached so ensure that you pick people who journalists can actually get hold of. Perhaps, more importantly, make sure they will be able to spend time with journalists when the media opportunities arise.


6. Do they want to do this?

Make sure they are going to be comfortable speaking with the media in varying scenarios – if they are terrified of going on live TV then you are unlikely to feel confident about putting them forward for such interviews.

Finally, make sure all the spokespeople you select are well prepared and rehearse before any media interviews – it’s vital to make sure they have regular media training to build their skills and confidence.


Want to find out more?

To find out more about selecting your spokespeople or for information on Bluewood media training courses, please get in touch.


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