• Presentation Skills

    We help people become first-rate communicators...

Course Content – Presentation Skills

Whatever type of audience you are facing, this tailored presentation training course will help you to understand what makes a great presentation and give you the opportunity to refine and practice your own style. Although certain theory elements would be covered, the majority of the session focuses on the content of your presentation, your delivery skills and how you handle questions from the audience.

The Theory

  • Your Content: The research and preparation you need to do / Understanding what the audience wants from your presentation / Your messages and using positive language / The structure to guide an audience / Presenting with authority and personal impact
  • Your Soft Skills: Confident body language and posture / Voice control / Keeping eye contact / Managing nerves and adrenalin / Presenting face to face and via video conference
  • Q&As and Visual Aids: How to deal with questions / PowerPoint slides that support your presentation / Writing effective scripts and speaker notes / Handouts

The Practice Scenarios

The best way to improve your presentations is through rehearsal and feedback, these trials will take place throughout the training so that you can develop and grow your approach as you progress.

We advise as much practice as possible of the presentation, individually and as a team (if relevant), but we will also design realistic questions, which will test your ability to deal with Q&As or difficult audience members. These bespoke practice scenarios are normally recorded on camera for playback and review.

The Presentation Trainers

We have a range of expert presentation trainers on our team and we would select those most appropriate for your session. However, as an example, our team includes a former fund manager and actor, a presenter and anchor for Sky News, a specialist soft skills coach, a former investment banker and IPO coach, others have backgrounds in charities, government, sales and marketing.

What is included in your presentation training session?

  • A training course tailored to your requirements
  • Expert presentation trainer
  • The Bluewood Guide to Presenting booklet
  • Camera to film the practice and provide recordings of your performance
  • Written and oral feedback to both delegate and client

To book your presentation training course please click here. We can have your tailored session outline over within the next 24 hours and the course will be delivered as soon as you’re ready.

Presentation Skills

This advanced presentation skills training course is designed for people who already have a reasonable amount of experience in this area, but who either want to polish their skills or have a specific event they want to prepare for.

Presenting to Investors

This tailored presentation training course focuses on how you present your story to a financial audience, whether that’s investors, fund managers or analysts, and how you convince them of your investment opportunity.

Pitch Training

Our pitch training session is focused on helping you to win business. Being able to promote yourself and your organisation to gain more business is an essential skill. The course is led by Bluewood’s expert trainers.

Messaging Workshops

Good messaging is vital for any communication; whether you are making a presentation to shareholders, explaining plans to your staff, facing the broadcast media during a crisis or launching a new product to your customers.